Offset Business: What is it?

Swiss government places from time to time huge orders outside Switzerland (e.g. F-35 in USA from Lockheed) usually with an agreement that this beneficiary company (in case of F-35: Lockheed) orders also from companies in Switzerland or places part of the production in Switzerland to Offset (compensate) the business

What types of Offset business exist?

There are three types of Offset contracts - Ahead of business compensation contract:
  • The company making an offer to the Swiss government might already include, contracts for offsetting, if they get the business
  • Direct compensation: Some parts of the product will be done in Switzerland
  • Indirect compensation: The company will place orders in Switzerland, which have not much to do with the order.

ASIPRO: The way to get to Offset business

Swissphotonics is member of ASIPRO, an organisation whose purpose is to promote the industrial participation of Swiss companies in aerospace, security and defense procurement projects of the Swiss Confederation abroad, through direct and indirect offset transactions.
Please check the webpage of ASIPRO for detailed information, including a list of offset opportunities.

Lockheed example

Switzerland is buying from Lockheed F-35 and thus there are opportunities to participate in offsetting this business. 
At the moment this opportunity is only bottom up, i.e. we recommend that you prepare with your Lockheed contacts a development project, which will get preferentail treatment within Lockheed because it helps the offsetting.

General Information:

- Information at Swissmem: link
- Information about critical tech areas, of interest to Lockheed: link
- There are many other eligible companies under the Lockheed Offset opportunity: Switzerland F-35 Offset Program Eligible Parties (85 KB)

Of interest if you would like to prepare a project:

If you would like to submit a project:
- You must find soembody at Lockheed (or eligible companies) and work out a project proposal as well as fill out the two pdfs:
- General List of certifications: General List of Certifications (31 KB)
-  Project submission form (in ase you are submitting a project): Switzerland F-35 Offset Project Concept Template Dec20231 (148 KB)Switzerland F-35 Offset Project Concept Template Dec2023 (240 KB)

In case you would like to be added to a list of potential suppliers:

- In case you would like to be added to a list of potential suppliers and would like to wait to be contacted by Lockheed you should characterize yourself according to this list: List of Qualifiers - Swiss Companies Master List Tracker Short (19 KB) and submit it to $inv3fok%@sc7wid6ssq9pha8otu-onu0icl3s.f7neh$tw  List of Qualifiers - Swiss Companies Master List Tracker Short (84 KB)

Useful contact: Lockheed office in Bern: Sabrina Götz, 7san,brp$inv+a.e2v.c0got(tzl7@lb%mcx%o.b2coo6mg, Seilerstrasse 3, 3008 Bern


STIB: Security-relevant Technology and Industry Base

A strong technological and industrial base is a component of armaments policy and thus also of security and defence policy in many nations. Switzerland in particular must take this aspect into consideration, because as a neutral nation which is not part of any defence alliance, it does not have any entitlement to military support by other nations. Research institutions and companies that have competencies, capabilities and capacities in the security and armaments industry in Switzerland form the STIB.
The STIB aims to contribute to reducing Switzerland’s dependencies on foreign countries in terms of armaments policy in defined areas. It should be able to ensure the central technological expertise and industrial capabilities for the Armed Forces and other institutions of national security in Switzerland with the required capacities (excerpt from aramasuisse webpage)

Swissphotonics, Verein Schweizer Laser und Photonik Netz VSLP | Sihleggstrasse 23 | CH-8832 Wollerau | E-Mail | |