ESA Call for Ideas: Quantum and data deep-tech

Identifying technology conundrums worth solving

ESA has launched a call on ESA‘s Open Space Innovation  Platform (OSIP) related to quantum (and data) in the context of the European Space Deep-tech Innovation Centre of Excellence ESDI, see here.  

ESA is looking for submissions until June 20th approximately:

ESA invites innovators to contribute to the mission of the European Space Deep-tech Innovation Centre (ESDI) through its call for ideas. This initiative seeks ideas for "technology conundrums worth solving" in quantum technologies and data management and processing, with a focus on space applications.

Proposals need to that present practical technological challenges with the potential to catalyze significant advancements in commercial services. If tackling your idea for a conundrum would benefit from interdisciplinary collaboration and Switzerland's research and deep-tech capabilities, ESA wants to hear from you, see here.

Contact ESA
Johann Richard 
Head of ESDI
European Space Deep-tech Innovation Centre ESDI (CIC-SE)

Contact Swissphotonics
Dr. Christian Bosshard
Managing Director Swissphotonics
+41 79 405 1826

28 May 2024, Christian Bosshard

Swissphotonics, Verein Schweizer Laser und Photonik Netz VSLP | Sihleggstrasse 23 | CH-8832 Wollerau | E-Mail | |