Fachvorträge zu Photonik-Themen
- Für Mitarbeiter, Studierende und alle Optik-Interessierten
- Regelmässiger Erfahrungsaustausch
- Hören, was es Neues gibt
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High-Speed Single Kernel Sorting for Grains, Seeds and Beans with Combined Visual and Spectral Analysis
QualySense AG has pioneered the
QSorter technology for single kernel analysis and sorting of grains, seeds and beans. The unique mechanical transport system of QSorter precisely handles
each kernel individually,
allowing to combine multiple sensing modalities, such as 3D machine vision and NIR spectroscopy, to extract external
(size, shape, color) and internal
(biochemical composition) qualities. The kernels are then physically sorted into multiple quality groups in a single-pass through the device. The technology is applied both at the laboratory and industrial scales, reaching multi-ton per hour throughput.
The first part of the talk explains the working principles of the QSorter technology and gives examples from current applications. The second part focuses on upcoming application areas and discusses the broader impact of advanced sensing technologies on the AgriFood industry.
Dr. Berk Yesin
Product Manager
QualySense AG, 8152 Glattbrugg ZH
Dr. Berk Yesin has a background in engineering with specialization in robotics. He has started his career as a researcher at the ETH Institute of Robotics and has been involved with industrial mechatronic systems development in diverse areas, including micro-assembly, 3D printing and inkjet printing systems. Starting as a technical product manager at QualySense for the development of the new high-capacity sorting platform, he is now involved in business development for the QSorter technology.
Dienstag, 26. Juni 2018
17.00 - 18.00 Uhr mit anschliessendem Apéro, sponsored by Swissphotonics
NTB Buchs
Hörsaal H4
Werdenbergstrasse 4
9471 Buchs SG
Dieser Anlass ist kostenlos.
Weitere Kolloquien
Ab Herbst 2018
Jeden letzten Dienstag im Monat von 17.00 Uhr bis 18.00 Uhr, mit anschliessendem Apéro sponsored by Swissphotonics
Kontakt NTB
Prof. Dr. Carsten Ziolek
081 755 34 41
Kontakt Swissphotonics
Dr. Christoph S. Harder
Präsident Swissphotonics NTN
079 219 90 51
17. Mai 2018, Iris Bollinger + Beni Muller