Lasers in Manufacturing (LiM) 2025

Mon, 23.06. – Thu, 26.06.2025, Munich

The LiM - Lasers in Manufacturing is the perfect platform for efficient knowledge transfer in the field of lasers and their applications. It is devoted to scientific presentations on the latest research results. All contributions for the LiM will undergo a review process by the scientific committee.

The LiM focuses on the latest developments as well as future trends in the field of laser materials processing. The conference topics address anyone who is interested in the potential of lasers in manufacturing in theory and application. It is the aim of the LiM to bring together international experts from research and industry in order to match scientific advances and economic needs for mutual benefit.

The LiM is a part of the World of Photonics Congress. This allows to coordinate joint sessions in order to highlight topics at the interface of the thematic areas covered by the participating conferences.

Conference information can be found here.

Monday, 23 June 2025 - Thursday, 26 June 2025

ICM - International Congress Center, Munich

Contact LiM
Stephanie Wiedenmann

Contact Swissphotonics
Dr. Christian Bosshard
Managing Director Swissphotonics
+41 79 405 18 26

31 July 2025, Christian Bosshard

Swissphotonics, Verein Schweizer Laser und Photonik Netz VSLP | Sihleggstrasse 23 | CH-8832 Wollerau | E-Mail | |