Weekly events
Events now open for all interested parties
Swissphotonics Weekly Lunch Chats
Every Tuesday, starting 17 August 2021
Chat: 12:00-13:00
Moderators: Dr. Christoph Harder and/or Dr. Christian Bosshard and/or experts for hot topic
Language: English
- News from the world of Photonics
- Information on associations (EPIC, OIDA, OPTICA, Photonics21)
- Information on EU projects (Phorwards21, 360 Carla, PhotonHub Europe, Factory)
- Hot topics by (international) experts
- General Q&A
The weekly chat topic will be announced under Swissphotonics events.

Please contact the Swissphotonics Team to get access to the Zoom sessions.
The Zoom link remains the same every week. If you have already participated once, you do not need to register again for the following meetings.
Inside 21 (156 KB)
Swissphotonics Weekly Online Yoga
Every Thursday, starting 19 August 2021
Time: 6:55-8:00
Coach: Jennifer Kühbacher
Language: German, English if required

The regular session costs 20.- for Swissphotonics members (30.- for non-members)
Online Yoga (350 KB)
Please contact the Swissphotonics Team or directly Jennifer to get access to the Yoga sessions.
The Zoom link remains the same every week. If you have already participated once, you do not need to register again for the following meetings.
15. June, 2023, Christoph Harder
Market reports
- IOA Meeting in Glasgow, April 2019
With reports from IOA members
Ioa 2019 All mo (23.86 MB)
- IOA Meeting in Korea, June 2018
With reports by the IOA Members
Ioa 2018 (26.17 MB)
All Market reports bought by Swissphotonics; accessible only for Swissphotonics members.
Please contact Swissphotonics Team for Password.
Swissphotonics, Verein Schweizer Laser und Photonik Netz VSLP | Sihleggstrasse 23 | CH-8832 Wollerau | E-Mail |