Swiss National Photonics Clusters

Switzerland is recognized as a photonics cluster (see: Michael E. Porter: Five forces) and Swissphotonics is supporting it by networking activities. In order to support these networking activity Swissphotonics has funded in 2015 the start of eight Swiss National Labs.


Today only five are still active, for material processing, packagingfiber technology, education and photovoltaics and we have started activities with the AM TTC Swiss-PIC to support Swiss component companies with the next integration level (Packaging to fiber), company business, and networking Quantum Photonics efforts.


Swiss industry wishes to have a single contactpoint at universities, which gets them connected to the best suitable institute to handle a specific request. Universities are interested in coordinating their activities, especially with respect to infrastructure. Swissphotonics initiated and supports competence workgroups, so called "Swiss National Photonic Labs". These Labs should be actively participating in their respective workgroup in the European public private partnership platform "Photonics21" where roadmaps and Horizon2020 calls are prepared.

SNAP-Cluster Swiss National Applicationlab for Photonics
SNFL-Cluster Swiss National Fiber Lab
SSSL-Cluster Swiss Solid State Lighting
SPPL-Cluster Swiss Photonic Packaging Lab
SNOP-Cluster Swiss National Optics Platform
SEPP-Cluster Swiss Education Platform in Photonics
SRPV-Cluster Swiss Research in PhotoVoltaics
SNOS-Cluster Swiss National lab for Optical Sensors

12.04.2022 Christoph Harder
Swissphotonics, Verein Schweizer Laser und Photonik Netz VSLP | Sihleggstrasse 23 | CH-8832 Wollerau | E-Mail | |