SPPL: Photonics21

Work Group 6: Design, Manufacturing of Optical Components and Systems     



  • Follow up Workshop, 13th May, Dorint Airport-Hotel, Amsterdam

    Workshop to discuss next steps for the Photonis Research and Innovation Priority Setting Process for H2020 Programmes 2018 - 2020 (Draft Agendaphotonics21 Wg6 Workshop c2 (551 KB) ).
    A free shuttle service links the Dorint Airport-Hotel to the Amsterdam Schiphol Airport. We will inform you prior the workshop where the shuttle service bus stop is located at Amsterdam Schiphol Airport.
    If you would like to join the workshop, we kindly ask you to confirm your registration until 4 May 2015 to &sei%crg5etx&arn-iaj1t@y-phw&otf*one6ico.s2w41.l$orf6gw

    14.04.2016; Mike Wale Photonics21 Work Group 6 Chair
  • ​Have your say! - Photonics Public Private Partnership Annual Meeting 2016

01 - 02 March 2016 - Brussels, Le Plaza Hotel in Brussels.
Kick off: Photonics PPP call topics for Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2018/2019
Participant from Swissphotonics: S. Mohrdiek
​More information

Swissphotonics, Verein Schweizer Laser und Photonik Netz VSLP | Sihleggstrasse 23 | CH-8832 Wollerau | E-Mail | |